In “Soar! Beyond the Heels of Adversity” Shevelle shares her life story and how she turned her obstacles into opportunities by simply igniting 8 character traits. These character traits are not uncommon but often times many of us simply disregard them. Shevelle explains the importance of igniting these character traits and how doing so can be life changing.
Beyond the Presumption of Guilt
Shevelle McPherson, Esq.
Criminal defense attorney Shevelle McPherson knows the stakes are high for her criminal clients. As a former prosecutor who has worked close with law enforcement, she is very familiar with law enforcement’s flawed “presumption of guilt” mentality. Fortunately for her clients, Attorney McPherson is not afraid to fight back against an unfair system. In the court room she is ready to go toe to toe, taking her adversaries head on. Outside the courtroom, her mantra “‘show me the evidence” rings in her head every time she gets a new case because she knows firsthand that the evidence is not always as credible as the Government portrays it to be. Attorney McPherson meticulously scrutinizes every piece of evidence in her cases searching to uncover flaws, inconsistencies, taint, misconduct, and reasonable doubt.
In “Beyond the Presumption of Guilt”, Attorney McPherson takes you on her journey as a criminal defense lawyer by telling the facts of several actual cases she has handled where her presumed guilty clients were ultimately vindicated because she was able to uncover those hidden flaws. As a result, of diligence and attention to detail, Attorney McPherson was able to shred the prosecutors’ cases by destroying what they believed to be credible evidence.
The fundamental process of the American Criminal Justice System is suppose to be the presumption of innocence and in this book Attorney McPherson outlines case by case how that principle has eroded.